
Can squirrels hold their breath?

Monday, October 31, 2005

Frickin' Rollercoaster

Ok, so this post is gonna come later, I was having a serious thought/convo about religion/homosexuals and I really REALLY want feedback!

Talking about homosexuals, and what our views are on it:

wut do u make of it
umm, i'm catholic, so i think it isn't right, but i don't think they deserve less respect, or less rights, it's their decision, so is their religion, so, w/e, if it's what they believe then so be it
what's the catholic tie in*
catholics think it is a sin to be gay, or bi, all christians do i think
not all christians, do they say why its a sin?
it's not how god intended us to live
but doenst god have control over everything
actually, i thilnk it's more of a, "u need to find the lords path" and like, at baptism ur set on it, but you can like stray from it, and then find it again u know?
so becoem gay then not gay?
so like, if ur parents strayed, and didn't baptise you then u could still find the path of god, sure
i agree that its not the norm, the ultimate goal of huamnity, is to reproduce thus thrive, homosexuality prevents that, but i dotn know bout the sin thing, sins can be forgiven, it seems liek gay people, woudltn veiw it as a disease that can be forgiven

K, well I have to go, more to come I guess. But please.. feedback!



  • At 7:25 PM, October 31, 2005, Blogger Gingavitus said…

    whoops, ginga is in pink/purple.

  • At 8:06 PM, October 31, 2005, Blogger Gil said…

    I'm catholic, and I don't think it's that big of a deal at all; if that's the way people want to live, that's the way they should live. Then again, I don't really agree with any catholic ideals.

  • At 2:28 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Milk said…

    hey. I found your blog through a friend. First off, homosexuality is a sin, no christian can say otherwise, because it says it right in the bible, then again, it says so is lieing, or thinking about lieing, or a million other things, they are all sins, and all the same in gods eyes. But asking for forgiveness(from all sins) is what gets you into heaven, because we all sin. Past that, its more just how closeminded people are to it. Most christians are closeminded to everything, but they are all siners too. This is maybe way more then you wanted to know. I will keep going anyway. Jesus durning his time spend most of his days with tax collectors(basicly people tho stole money and tortured people), prostitues, people with diseases, and children. So he obviously didnt care if they were the so called outcasts at the time, its who needed him most. If you apply that to a christian today, they should not hate gays like most of them do, but should embrace them and treat them like everyone else, because that is what god himself did as jesus.

    I think that sums up everything you sort of asked there

  • At 4:48 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Ribs said…

    In response to Mike's comment -
    I strongly disagree with your "homosexuality is a sin" statement. It puzzles me as to why people think that way. You can't choose your sexuality, just like you can't choose who you're attracted to. When you get a crush on someone, you don't pick out the person you're going to like - it just happens. So gay guys, for example, didn't one day decide to like other guys, that's just who they feel attracted to. Which is not a sin, nor something they can control.

    Let's say that people had began with men liking men, and women with women - and that's what was written in the bible. Then one day, a guy begins liking a girl. He would be looked down upon and encouraged to change his views, simply because people had never seen a male and female couple before. This may seem silly to us, since we're used to males and females being together, but that's exactly what a majority of people are doing to homosexuals. The reason why people are having such a hard time accepting homosexuality is because it's not really the norm. But what's so wrong about it? People are people. It's not like we're having an epidemic of people falling in love with murderers or terrorists. That would be something to worry about.

  • At 5:37 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Gil said…

    I don't think Mike's really saying he really thinks it's a sin, he's saying the bible says it's a sin. Or maybe he does think it's a sin, but doesn't really care because sins are forgiven anyway.

  • At 5:37 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Gil said…

    But I can't speak for him.

  • At 7:06 PM, November 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Where does the bible say its a sin. I want a specifc book, chapter, verse for hard evidence.

  • At 7:14 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Gingavitus said…

    is it just me or are there alot more homosexuals now then there were a hundred years ago or in the past?

  • At 6:10 AM, November 02, 2005, Blogger Vicky Simpleton said…

    Mike presents 2 verses, but assuredly there are more where those came from (i.e., the Bible).

    Mike makes very good points about the difference between calling something a sin and then treating people poorly who commit any certain sin. Jesus didn't do that. Christians are supposed to strive to follow Jesus's example. However, when Jesus saved an adulteress from being stoned, he didn't condemn her but he said to her, "Go and sin no more."

    He told people to live holy and blameless lives. He commanded people to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves. He said, "Judge not, that you be not judged."

    But people who claim to be Christians fail at these things just like they fail at everything else.

    Furthermore, to the person who is committed to trying to follow what the Bible has to say, it doesn't matter whether homosexuality is "chosen" or not. What we choose has very little to do with what the Bible says. I want to have sex with my boyfriend before I'm married. I want to lie when it serves my interests. I may do these things, but according to the Bible, I'll be sinning.

    There is no excuse for people who run around judging homosexuals and saying they are going to hell (seen quite often on college campuses, Bucky is a fag and all that). There is also no excuse for people who call themselves Christians who say sinning is okay.

    Rebecca can disagree with the statement that homosexuality is a sin all she wants. The rules in the Bible only apply to someone if they want them to. You don't have to believe what Jesus taught. But for those who do believe, and who decide they are going to try to follow it, it's not very logical to pick and choose from among his teachings as it suits them.

    What's funny to me is how sexual sin is really the least of the world's problems. Rampant egomania is a much bigger threat to leading a Godly life.

  • At 1:54 PM, November 02, 2005, Blogger Gil said…

    I didn't read this entirely, or even mostly, but it seems like a good reference for anyone seriously concerned.

    Homosexuality and Christianity, courtesy of Wikipedia.

  • At 7:15 PM, November 02, 2005, Blogger Gingavitus said…

    Omg, random, but I was looking up Alexander the Great for Western Civilizations, and yeah, he's suspected of having sexual affairs with his men?? That is, if I have the right Alexander the Great...

  • At 7:53 PM, November 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The nature of sin is knowing, and for a breif second, guilt. If I shoot someone, I knwo im commiting a sin. When I have sex, i know im commiting a sin. false witness bearers, know they are doing so. As sinners we have the choice to commit the sin or not, at least when we are at a certain age of maturity. Homosexuality is not somethign someone chooses to do. I am attracted to girls, i can chose which ones im attracted to. Homosexuality works the same, they cant chose which gender they are attracted to.

    This is where i disagree with organized conservative christianity. Calliing homosexuality a sin, thus menaign it can be forgiven seems to help the forgivers more than those engaging in the actual act. If I was gay i don't think id feel bad about it, since its not soemthign you can control. Sins are the oposite, peopel can feel guilty for being a sinner.


  • At 9:05 PM, November 02, 2005, Blogger Milk said…

    Two things, first, yes Alex the great was most likely gay, alot of things point to that. Second, Ian the only reason people dont feel guilt about being gay is because it is no longer thought of as such a horrable thing. Look back even 30 years, and that would totally change. The same is true about premartial sex, most people feel no guilt at all about it, however you yourself said it was a sin and that you feel guilt about it. Also there is no evedence that homosexuality is built into the persons brain, it might very well be just a choice they make. Without reseach to back up the fact that it is some chemical or metal trait, then you cannot say that its not a choice.

  • At 1:54 PM, November 08, 2005, Blogger Gil said…

    Ian, you just said something I've been meaning to say for a while.

    I'm not sure who said this. I think it was either Jesus, or according to Google, John (though there are lots of John's, I'm not sure which John wrote the book John of the bible), but he said, "As the father has loved me, so I have loved you." He didn't add, "Except you, homosexuals. Go make your own God. Psh. Fags." If you believe in living your life in the example of Jesus, you should love everyone, the way God loves everyone. Non exclusive.

  • At 1:54 PM, November 08, 2005, Blogger Gil said…



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